Zinc Solutions for Every Acre

Liquid Fertilizer Products

USA 500

USA 500 is a fertilizer additive by Rosen’s Inc. and contains an EDHA chelated zinc. This is a great option to protect your investment in your fertilizer by increasing plant-available nutrients that may be tied up in your soil. USA 500 easily mixes with most liquid fertilizers and would be a great addition to your starter tank.

Click HERE to see the USA 500 features!

Levesol Zinc

Levesol Zn is a part of the Levesol Family by CHS. It is a fully chelated product with ortho-ortho EDDHA that will make your fertilizer you have invested in as well as the tied-up nutrients, such as phosphorous and zinc, readily available for plant uptake. Levesol Zn does consist of 4.5% zinc and easily mixes with starter fertilizer at 1-2 qt/A. You can run this product alone or mix with liquid fertilizer in starter options.

See the fact sheet HERE!


Ultra-Che 9%

Ultra-Che 9% is a fully chelated (EDTA) zinc to reduce tie-up of nutrients in your soil. This product easily mixes with starter or pop-up fertilizers. This option gives flexible timing whether you want to use as pre-plant, starter, sidedress or fertigation.

See the fact sheet HERE!

Dry Fertilizer Products

Wolf Trax Zinc

Wolf Trax Zinc – a dry dispersible powder (DDP) that contains two forms of zinc to impregnate dry fertilizer for fall or spring applications to ensure every granule and prill are covered. An equivalent of a quart of 9% zinc can be achieved by the average rate 5.76 oz. This is a great option to ensure your 2021 crop has access to zinc without starter capabilities.

See the fact sheet HERE!

Zinc Sulfate

Zinc 35.5% also known as zinc sulfate has an analysis of 17.5% Sulfur and 35.5% Zinc. This high-analysis zinc is an option for your dry broadcast acres. Approximately 3 lb of zinc sulfate will supply 1 lb zinc per acre.

Click HERE to see the label!


Ele-Max is a Helena product that comes in a liquid form that is impregnated on dry fertilizer to be spread for a fall or spring application. An even coating will ensure improved availability and distribution of zinc. The 10 oz rate is equivalent to 1 lb of zinc. This product is a solid option to apply zinc without having starter capabilities in your operation.

See the fact sheet HERE!